Korean Driving Test Guide

These are the methods I used for getting through the three sections of the Korean driving test.

Before we start, check other options for driving legally in Korea. It is possible to drive in Korea with your native country’s standard driver’s licence and international licence. It is also possible to swap a valid license from a another country for a Korean license. But, if you really have to do it, here are the steps you need to take. Each of these tests costs between 22000 and 25000 won.


1. Written test

Sign up on the second floor of the driving centre. You will fill out some paperwork, have an eye test, and then watch a video.

The driving test itself is 40 questions. Many of them are oddly phrased in English, have multiple answers, and can be very legally specific. Try your best and you’ll probably be fine. Passing score is 60%.

2. Course test

This is the hardest part of the getting the license. The test will start at 100 points, and if you lose more than 20 points you will fail.  You will be the only human in the car, and all deductions are automatic. I would actually print these instructions out and take them with you. No one there really knows or cares what you do inside the car. It’s just about the points.

1. Get inside. Adjust the mirrors (see step 7.A) and seat. Put on the seat belt. Do not start the car or touch any controls.

2. When doing the first instructions, do not do anything until the instructions have finished and the timer has started. Wait until you are told to turn car functions on, and wait again until you are told to turn them off.  

3. Turn on the left turn signal when you start moving the car. It does not matter that you are going in a straight line. Keep it on until you hear a sound or three seconds.

4. Stop on the incline, inside the box. Put on the parking break on for three seconds.

5. Stay under 20 km/h at all times. I would keep it at 10 km/h, as the penalty is very high. This is actually more of a challenge than it sounds, as the car isn’t meant to be driven at such low speeds and can be a little unstable. Also do not hit the lines, as this is also a major penalty.

6. They will tell you which box to park in.

7. T-자 parking section. This is where most people fail, so don’t feel too bad if you do. You have to drive in with the front of the car, back into the bottom of the T, put on the parking break, wait for a conformation sound, then pull out. This sounds easy enough, but the space is very tight. It is essentially impossible to do this as a three-point turn in under two minutes. So, I would try this technique instead.

A. At the start of the test put the side mirrors as low as possible. You want to             be able to see both rear wheels.

B. Enter the T-자. Go into the spot and stop when your shoulders are aligned             with the curb. Have room on both sides of the car.  

C. Take the -10 point time penalty and just focus on not hitting the lines.          use tiny adjustments. Because you moved the mirrors earlier, you can now see the rear tires. If you stick your head out the window, which I did, you can now see the front left tire. The rear front tire is still an unknown, but you can manage. I ended up with some thing a 15 point turn,  inching back and forth until I got into the back of the spot.

D. When you hit the back line of the T-자 put on the parking break for three             seconds. Wait for a conformation sound.

E. Be careful when exiting the bottom of the T. It’s easy to hit the lines on the            way out. Don’t be afraid to go back into reverse if you need to. You will not time out on the whole course, so take your time. But remember, the lines are lava!

8. Alarm: Stop within two seconds, turn on four-way lights. Wait three seconds and continue. There is no conformation that this has been completed.

9. Use turn signal at the light. Turn left. Put the car into neutral if the light is red.

10. Speed section: ten meters after the sign go over 20 km/h. Do this very briefly, just one second. Slam on the brakes to get you back down to 10 km/h before the second sign.  

11. As you approach the end line, turn on the right turn signal.

12. After you cross the line, put the car in park. Put on emergency break.  Turn off the engine. 

13. Celebrate.

3. The road test

This is not as bad as the course test, but is also very strict. You will do this with an instructor, but they will not speak with you and are only there to score you or take over the car if you get into trouble.

There are four “courses” that all will do a loop around your driving centre. I think you are expected to memorize all of the turns in all of the courses, but there is a GPS that will tell you when to make turns.

Courses for Gangnam.

Things to remember:

1. The minimum passing score is 70.

2. Walk around the car before you get in. This is supposed to be “checking for car issues.” This is a silly exercise, but another way to lose points.

3. Put the car in neutral every time the cat stops moving. It doesn’t matter if you stop at a light or just stop momentarily in traffic, you will lose 5 points every time you don’t do this. They will not tell you if you don’t do this, and will deduct point each time.

4. Merge early. Get into the turning lane as soon you can. More than a block early if possible. The other cars will show you no kindness, and will likely be more aggressive with you as they can smell your weakness. Missing a turn will be an automatic fail. 

5. Anytime the instructor writes on the tablet they are deducting points.

If all goes well, you will go back inside the driving centre to make the license. Bring a passport sized photo.

Good luck if you actually take this on!

Published by Dylan

Dylan Riley is a Canadian writer, photographer, brewer, teacher, student, and general handyman living in central Seoul. He says thanks for stopping by.

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